Employee Stories: Eve, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern

Eve headshot

Eve is with Janicki for the summer as an engineering intern gaining experience that will allow her to excel after college. She attends the University of Florida and is majoring in aerospace engineering.

Eve’s favorite thing about interning here at Janicki is the people.  “I like talking to people about how I can improve my project and how knowledgeable

Eve with airplane

everyone is about their specialties,” says Eve.

Eve has been working with Janicki’s research and development team and has been gaining great experience working with projects from start to finish.

“I really enjoy seeing parts that I make in CAD come to life and go through the shops,” states Eve. “It is rewarding to know that something I created has come to fruition.”

In her free time, Eve loves to hike, bake and spend time with friends. She has loved aviation since she was young and earned her private pilot license. She wants to continue to gain further experience and ratings. Eve’s love of aviation and engineering radiates through the work she does here at Janicki.

Are you interested in becoming an engineering intern? View our Job Openings page for our current open roles.