Employee Stories: Jackson, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern


Jackson standing in front of an airplane by the lake


Jackson studies mechanical engineering at the University of Idaho. This summer he was an intern at Janicki in the tooling team. He gained experience through different projects including testing the lifting capacity of various vacuum cups and the radii of J-seal corners.

Jackson also worked in the machine shop for two weeks. He believes that experience will help him become a better engineer by understanding what it is like to work with the drawings that engineers create. Jackson really enjoys how Janicki gives interns a lot of freedom to be able to learn and grow.

Jackson also really appreciated that many interns at Janicki are encouraged to work on a personal project in their free time to further explore the companies’ materials and software. Jackson chose to design a pickleball paddle that he was able to design and build from the ground up.

In his free time, he enjoys skiing, backpacking, and fishing. Jackson is also part of the College of Engineering Ambassadors at the University of Idaho, where he helps set up networking and alumni events, and K-12 outreach programs.


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