Employee Stories: Noah, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern

Noah on a hike at the top of Sauk Mountain

Noah at the top of Sauk Mountain


Noah Swenson attends Dordt University, where he studies mechanical engineering. This summer, he interned with Janicki as part of the space team, working on projects heavily focused on research and development.

“The large majority of the things I have been working on will be put into use,” shares Noah. “It is exciting to know that I am doing things that matter.”

Noah appreciated how his mentor helped him pick projects that the company needed, and that would give him a good experience. His team also supported

Noah working

Noah working on his final project

his expansion of knowledge in engineering. Noah greatly enjoys the fast-paced work environment at Janicki and the value of the interns.

“You will stay busy and gain phenomenal experience,” says Noah.

In his free time, Noah loves hunting, fishing, hiking, and all things outdoors. He has loved that he can share these passions with his coworkers at Janicki.

Are you interested in becoming an engineering intern? View our Job Openings page for our current open roles.