Tag Archives: CCA

Employee Stories: Angie, Production Lead

For Angie, Janicki isn’t just a workplace – it’s a family legacy. Angie’s journey with Janicki began three years ago when her stepson, Derek, who was already a mill technician at the company, encouraged her to apply. With her husband, Darrell, having previously worked for Janicki, Angie knew the company well and made joining the team an easy choice.

Angie serves as a project lead in the Building 9 Controlled Contamination Area (CCA), orchestrating the meticulous process of laying up composite prepreg, core, and other materials into composite fly-away parts destined for aircraft, spacecraft, drones, and more. It’s a role that demands precision and expertise, and Angela approaches it with dedication and pride.

Angie’s daughter, Mary, joined Janicki last year following in her mother’s footsteps. “We have a challenging job,” says Mary, “It’s been great to learn so much and work with a great team of people.”

A few weeks ago, Janicki welcomed its newest recruit from the family—Angie’s daughter, Anna. For Anna, the experience of working at the same company as her mother holds a unique significance.

“My favorite part is knowing she’s always there to support me,” Anna shares. “She is always here to help.”

Although they do not work in the same manufacturing area, Derek and Angie enjoy catching up during breaks, and their bond remains strong throughout the day.

“It’s great to be able to talk about work with her,” remarks Derek. “It’s nice that she understands and relates to what’s happening at my job.”

Outside of work, Angie’s family spends lots of time together. They most recently celebrated Derek’s daughter’s first birthday together. Angie’s daughters are now planning a surprise for the upcoming Mother’s Day holiday.

“We’re a pretty close-knit family,” shares Angie. “Janicki has been so good to us and gives us the opportunity to spend a lot of time together. The future looks bright for all of us here, thanks to Janicki’s many opportunities for growth and development.”

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