Tag Archives: engineering internship

Employee Stories: Charles, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern

Charles with his rocket club

Charles standing with his rocket team

Charles is spending his summer as an intern at Janicki, where he’s immersing himself in the engineering industry to gain hands-on experience and clarify his career path after graduation. Charles is studying mechanical engineering at Washington State University. He was familiar with Janicki but became intrigued after connecting with our team at a career fair on campus.

During his internship, he’s been tasked with designing a site layout for future Janicki buildings. He has also spent some time working on converting welding technology that currently does TIG welding to laser welding.

“The amount of cool stuff that Janicki does is unlike any other place I’ve ever been,” Charles shares.

At school, Charles is the president of WSU’s competitive rocket-building team. Outside of school, he enjoys playing video games.

He is hardworking and eager to learn all that Janicki has to offer.



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Employee Stories: Eve, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern

Eve headshot

Eve is with Janicki for the summer as an engineering intern gaining experience that will allow her to excel after college. She attends the University of Florida and is majoring in aerospace engineering.

Eve’s favorite thing about interning here at Janicki is the people.  “I like talking to people about how I can improve my project and how knowledgeable

Eve with airplane

everyone is about their specialties,” says Eve.

Eve has been working with Janicki’s research and development team and has been gaining great experience working with projects from start to finish.

“I really enjoy seeing parts that I make in CAD come to life and go through the shops,” states Eve. “It is rewarding to know that something I created has come to fruition.”

In her free time, Eve loves to hike, bake and spend time with friends. She has loved aviation since she was young and earned her private pilot license. She wants to continue to gain further experience and ratings. Eve’s love of aviation and engineering radiates through the work she does here at Janicki.

Are you interested in becoming an engineering intern? View our Job Openings page for our current open roles.

Employee Stories: Noemi, 2024 Summer Production Intern


Noemi on a bench in front of a building

Noemi is a summer intern on the NC programming team. She attends Whatcom College, where she studies electrical engineering. She is gaining experience behind the scenes of engineering, learning to program parts and working in production.

Working as a programmer has helped Noemi better understand some of the work she will do as an engineer. In her role, she programs the machines that accommodate the engineers’ drawings. This experience has taught her how to create good drawings for programmers to work with in the future. She loves that each project she programs is different, and overcoming the challenges that come with it excites her.

She enjoys that Janicki trusts its interns and their work.

“They allow you to be independent, giving you the freedom to learn from your mistakes while still guiding you along the way,” states Noemi.

Noemi describes herself as adventurous, hardworking, and open to new experiences. In her free time, she loves to do anything active, like rock climbing and bouldering and she also loves to travel.


Are you interested in becoming an engineering intern? View our Job Openings page for our current open roles.

Employee Stories: Noah, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern

Noah on a hike at the top of Sauk Mountain

Noah at the top of Sauk Mountain


Noah Swenson attends Dordt University, where he studies mechanical engineering. This summer, he interned with Janicki as part of the space team, working on projects heavily focused on research and development.

“The large majority of the things I have been working on will be put into use,” shares Noah. “It is exciting to know that I am doing things that matter.”

Noah appreciated how his mentor helped him pick projects that the company needed, and that would give him a good experience. His team also supported

Noah working

Noah working on his final project

his expansion of knowledge in engineering. Noah greatly enjoys the fast-paced work environment at Janicki and the value of the interns.

“You will stay busy and gain phenomenal experience,” says Noah.

In his free time, Noah loves hunting, fishing, hiking, and all things outdoors. He has loved that he can share these passions with his coworkers at Janicki.

Are you interested in becoming an engineering intern? View our Job Openings page for our current open roles.

Employee Stories: Kenna, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern

Kenna standing with her horse

Kenna with her horse

Kenna attends Montana State University studying mechanical engineering with a minor in mechatronics. During her summer internship, she joined an aerospace parts team, where she worked on creating an angled pie bond and producing various test articles of the joint to find a manufacturable solution without defects.

Kenna hunting turkey

Kenna’s favorite thing about Janicki is the common mission that everyone shares.

“It truly feels like you are part of a team, and everyone is available and willing to help you learn,” says Kenna.

Reflecting on her internship, Kenna has gained knowledge and skills that will help her succeed in her future engineering career. She has also learned how to navigate the corporate world and practice problem-solving skills.

In her free time, Kenna loves to hike and fish. She also coaches a youth gymnastics team. Kenna is curious, motivated and willing to jump in with two feet, which allowed her to thrive during her time at Janicki.

Are you interested in becoming an engineering intern? View our Job Openings page for our current open roles.

Employee Stories: Jackson, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern


Jackson standing in front of an airplane by the lake


Jackson studies mechanical engineering at the University of Idaho. This summer he was an intern at Janicki in the tooling team. He gained experience through different projects including testing the lifting capacity of various vacuum cups and the radii of J-seal corners.

Jackson also worked in the machine shop for two weeks. He believes that experience will help him become a better engineer by understanding what it is like to work with the drawings that engineers create. Jackson really enjoys how Janicki gives interns a lot of freedom to be able to learn and grow.

Jackson also really appreciated that many interns at Janicki are encouraged to work on a personal project in their free time to further explore the companies’ materials and software. Jackson chose to design a pickleball paddle that he was able to design and build from the ground up.

In his free time, he enjoys skiing, backpacking, and fishing. Jackson is also part of the College of Engineering Ambassadors at the University of Idaho, where he helps set up networking and alumni events, and K-12 outreach programs.


Are you interested in becoming an engineering intern? View our Job Openings page for our current open roles.

Employee Stories: Alejandro, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern

Alejandro is a student at the University of Washington, majoring in aeronautics and astronautics. This summer, he joined Janicki as an engineering intern with the space team, where he’s

Alejandro talking with a coworker

Alejandro speaking with Cody, a project engineer.

been actively involved in a large-scale space assembly project. His responsibilities include running reports, assisting with tool design, contributing to

research and development and participating in customer meetings.

Alejandro with team members

Alejandro with his Design Build Fly team

Alejandro loves the culture at Janicki and how it feels like you are working with friends rather than coworkers. Everyone has been kind and has even invited him to activities outside of work, like mountain biking.

At school, Alejandro works as the project manager of the Design Build Fly club where they compete with RC planes. He is also the representative for that club on the Engineering Student Council. He is currently working with leadership at Janicki to develop tooling for this year’s composite plane.

In his free time, he also really enjoys playing chess, going to the gym, watching movies, and now has a newfound love for mountain biking, thanks to his

coworkers. Alejandro has been a great addition to Janicki for the summer because he is goal-driven and wants to learn as much as he can during his time here.


Are you interested in becoming an engineering intern? View our Job Openings page for our current open roles.

Employee Stories: Branton, 2024 Summer Engineering Intern

Branton is a senior at Dordt University studying mechanical engineering with a physics minor. As a summer intern at Janicki, he works in the

tooling department. Branton has been testing and working to standardize the vacuum hardware that is used for carbon fiber layup fixtures. He has really enjoyed this process of research, testing, and gaining insight from a variety of people who use the vacuum hardware on a regular basis.

Branton standing in front of mountains on a hike

Branton on a hike in Glacier National Park

During his internship, he has also been working on a personal project creating a carbon fiber compound bow riser. Branton has recently round a love for bow hunting and wanted to challenge himself by designing a bow riser. He used innovated processes such as a 3D printed layup mold and demonstrated new methods for infusing a part that would have otherwise been difficult to infuse. He also was able to work with the technicians to machine the riser.

Branton appreciates the experience that he has gained through this internship and learning about the manufacturing process and production systems. His favorite part is how he has been able to develop

Branton working in the lab

Branton working on his final project

a structure, watch it get manufactured and follow the projects from start to finish. The experience that Branton has gained here at Janicki will help him go far in his professional career.

In his free time, he enjoys hiking, trail running, and archery. He also is a member of the soccer team and band at his university. He plans to pursue graduate school after completing his degree.


Are you interested in becoming an engineering intern? View our Job Openings page for our current open roles.