Tag Archives: NDI

Employee Stories: Salma, NDI Technician

Before joining Janicki, Salma worked as a certified nursing assistant at a nursing home. Her empathetic nature made her well-suited for the role, and she enjoyed bonding with her patients. However, despite the fulfillment she found in helping others, the stress of the job was unsustainable, and Salma knew it wasn’t her lifelong career path.

Salma’s brother, who worked at Janicki, suggested she consider applying to the company. Seeking a fresh start outside the medical field, Salma took his advice and applied to Janicki as a production technician.

Salma smiles while standing at a desk Exploring New Horizons

In 2018, Salma was hired and started in mold fabrication. She quickly showcased her versatility and eagerness to learn. She transitioned to the controlled contamination area (CCA) team where she honed her skills in laying up, using resin and fabricating production parts. Over time, she moved between various production roles, adapting to the needs of different programs.

Three years ago, Salma’s curiosity was piqued by a new machine with a robot arm in Building 5.

“There was a really small team working with it, and I wondered what those people did,” she recalls. “I ended up helping them with a project and learned a lot about the work they were doing.”

The new machine was a nondestructive inspecting system with a built-in robot arm, called the Kuka Genesis, which sprays water and ultrasonic sounds against composite parts to evaluate structural integrity and fitness of use while keeping them intact.

After that, Salma went out of her way to learn more about nondestructive inspection. She spoke with department members about the different equipment pieces and their uses. She even did some research on the side to better understand the field. One day, Salma saw a job opening for an NDI trainee role on the internal job openings list. Despite her lack of experience in the field, she was eager to learn more and decided to apply. Her interest and drive impressed the department, so they brought her on in 2023.

Janicki provided comprehensive training for Salma to receive her Level I certification in ultrasonics, including practical hours on the job, 40 classroom hours in California, and a test she completed in October 2023. Shortly after that, Salma began training for her Level II certification, and in June 2024, she achieved this milestone. She became qualified to set up and calibrate equipment and interpret and evaluate results according to applicable codes, standards, and specifications.

Salma stands in NDI Cell

“Janicki is very generous,” she notes. “They train you on-site and pay for all of your training to get the certification.”

Continuing the Journey

Salma’s journey doesn’t end here. She is eager to continue learning and gaining experience with different devices and techniques as a Level II technician. She aspires to one day achieve her Level III certification, solidifying her expertise in the field.

Life Beyond Work

Outside of her professional pursuits, Salma enjoys a well-rounded life. She loves hanging out with friends and spending time with her dog, Rollo. Recently, she has taken up swimming and camping, even spending several days at Baker Lake this year. She also went camping with her NDI team, strengthening bonds with her colleagues. Additionally, Salma is rediscovering her love for reading.

 Interested in joining our growing team? Apply on our Job Openings page.